Saturday, February 23, 2008

Term break....

Finally after 6 weeks of studies there is a so called "1 week" term break for us to slow down our pace and hava a nice rest in between our studies. Come to think of, i have been slacking all the way since Chinese New Year. I cant seem to get my momentum back to study.

Life has been monotonus for me. It is always the same case of going school to study and going back home straight after lessons. Sometimes i wonder why my life so boring. Shouldnt i be enjoying my life especially in my young adult age? Nevertheless i seek the tiny bit of happiness and companion from my friends. It is the other something that i seek of. A person to listen to me and understand me. Sometimes it is so frightening to wake up everyday because u seem to have no goals, no dreams and just wanna slack all the way.

I really hope that this 1 week break allow me to sort things out myself because there is a still a long way go for me.
